Google’s Android Center Of Attraction At Mobile World Congress

Despite Nokia and Microsoft’s endeavor dominating talks at Mobile World Congress 2011, the centre of attraction has been Android. Android OSWhile analysts and investors were busy discussing about the possible outcome of the deal between Nokia and Microsoft, yet several vendors were busy rolling out devices running on the Android platform which overshadowed talks of Nokia and Microsoft. Phone and electronic device manufacturers such as HTC, Samsung and Sony Ericsson rolled out several devices running on Android.

Ben Wood, working as a lead analyst at CCS Insight referring to Android’s logo said that MWC event has confirmed the growth of Android in the mobile phone industry. The rise in Android over a last couple of years has started giving signals that in coming days Google might dominate the mobile OS segment just like Microsoft does the OS segment.

Android Surpassing Symbian

Notably during the fourth quarter of the calendar year 2010, Android overtook Symbian to evolve as the most popular mobile phone OS. The rising popularity of Android has attracted several software developers to roll out applications for it.

Meanwhile, critics believe that Android has raised the bar for smartphone makers with Google being the real beneficiary as it has enabled the search engine giant to distribute its services such as gmail and maps on a large scale. It will be interesting to note the further development of the platform in coming days.